Lihua Liang is a lecturer in the College of Urban and Environmental Sciences. She also is a Engineer with National Environmental Impact Assessment Certificate. She was selected into expert tank of Environmental emergency by Shaanxi province Environment Protection Bureau. Her experiences and interests as teacher, researcher in Environmental Engineering include wastewater treatment, water pollution biological control, bioremediation of polluted water and environmental impact assessment.
Educational background
• Doctor student Biochemical Engineering, School of Chemical Engineering, Northwest University, Xi’an, China, 2008 - now
• M.S. Environmental Engineering, School of Environmental and Chemical Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University in 2004, Xi’an, China, 2004
• B.S. Chemical Engineering, Beijing University of Chemical Engineering, Beijing, China, 2001
Professional experiences
• 2004 –Present: lecturer, College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Northwest University, Xi’an, China,
• 2006-2007: Visiting Scholar, School of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.
[1] Liang Lihua, Daidi Fan, Liu Yang, Pei Ma, Xiaoli Zhu. A comparative study of Cr-tolerance and removal capacity of different strains, International Conference on Energy and Envrionmental Protection(ICEEP 2012) (EI), 2012
[2] Liang Lihua, Jing Wang. The Economy Analysis of Rural Rainwater Collection and Utilization Projects, Conference on Environmental Pollution and Public Health (CEPPH 2011) (ISTP), 2011,Wuhan
[3] Liang Lihua, Daidi Fan.The growth character and Cr(Ⅵ)removal capability of Cr-tolerant strains,Conference on Environmental Pollution and Public Health (CEPPH 2011) (ISTP), 2011,Wuhan
[4] Liang Lihua,Jiane Zuo. Denitrifying Functional Genes—the Molecular Marker for Detection of Denitrifying Community Structure, Microbiology China, 2009, 36(4):1-7
[5] Liang Lihua,Jiane Zuo. Review of modern culture-independent methods used to study community structure and function of denitrifying microorganisms, ACTA SCIENTIAE CIRCUMSTANTIAE, 2008, 28(4): 599-605
[6] Liang Lihua, Yanling He, Shucheng Yang ,Xiaoli Shi, Review on hydrodynamics in internal loop biological fluidized bed, Pollution Prevention Technique, 2003, 16(4):103-106
[7] Fan D. D. *, Y. X. Ren, X. L. Zhu , P. Ma, L. H. Liang, Optimization of culture conditions for phosphate solubilizing by Acinetobacter calcoaceticus YC-5a using response surface methodology, African journal of microbiology research, 2011, 5(20):3327-3333(SCI)
[8] Ren Y. X., X. L. Zhu,D. D. Fan*, P. Ma, L. H. Liang, Inoculation of phosphate solubilizing bacteria for the improvement of lead phytoextraction by Brassica juncea, Environment Technology,2012, (SCI)
[9] Ren Y. X., X. L. Zhu,D. D. Fan*, P. Ma, L. H. Liang, DBD plasma induced mutation in phosphate-solubilizing bacteria Acinetobacter calcoaceticus YC-5a. The 2012 Spring World Congress on Engineering and Technology (SCET, 2012) (EI)
[10] Ren Y. X., X. L. Zhu,D. D. Fan*, P. Ma, L. H. Liang, Mutation induction by DBD phasma in phosphate solubilizing bacteria Enterbacter agglomerans, 2012 International conference on Future Energy, Environmental and Materials (FEEM 2012) (EI)
[11] Yu CaiYun,Zhu Xiaoli, Ma Pei,Fan Daidi, Liang LiHua, Mu TingZhen. The analysis of oilseed reep growth-promoting properties of high efficient of free living nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Journal of Northwest University(Nature Science Edition),2011, 41:207-208.
[12] Liang Lihua, Yanling He, Shucheng Yang, Research on short-cut nitrification in new airlift internal circulation rector. the 9th mainland-taiwan environmental protection conference , 2004, 689-693
[1] Research on removal nitrogen by anaerobic ammonia oxidation process from wastewater with low carbon resource and high nitrogen resource (09JK760),Scientific Research Foundation of Shaanxi Education Department, China, 2009-2011 (Ranking: the 1th)
[2] Design of new internal circulation reactor to remove nitrogen(04NW62), Northwest University Foundation, 2005-2008(Ranking: the 1th)
[3] The Gaoyou Lake deposition record's environment evolves with the human activity with the Grand Canal vicissitude relations(40901101), Funding from National Science Foundation of China .2010-2012(Ranking: the 3th)
[4] Exploring of bioremediation technology of coal mining cominated soil in Yulin city(2011JY015), Funding from ShaanXi Province science and technology plan projects 2009.1-2010.12(Ranking: the 4th).
[5] Exploring of bioremediation technology of coal mining cominated soil in YuLin city. Funding from Yu Lin Special project. 2009.1-2010.12(Ranking: the 4th).
[6] Dynamic analysis and optimal model for regional urban rainfall (50609021). Funding from National Science Foundation of China, 2007-2009. (involved)
[7] The engineering control strategy relieves the backwoods coli to raise in effectively the process the ethanoic acid kill mechanism exploration(21076169), Funding from National Science Foundation of China, 2011-2013, (involved)
[1] Zhu Xiaoli,Fan Daidi,Ma Pei,Shen YeHua,Liang LiHua. A free living nitrogen fixing Acinetobacter sp. and its applications. Application No. :201110444519.5.
[2] Zhu Xiaoli,Fan Daidi,Ma Pei,Shen YeHua,Liang LiHua. A free living nitrogen fixing Agrobacterium sp. and its applications. Application No.:201110444520.8.
[3] Zhu Xiaoli,Ma Pei,Fan Daidi, Liang LiHua. A phosphate solubilizing Enterobacter agglomerans and its applications. Application No.:20121004091212.
[4] Fan Daidi, Zhu Chenhui, Ma Xiaoxuan, Mi Yu, Luo Yane, Ma Pei, Xi Junfeng, Zhu Xiaoli, Li Wanhua, Liang Lihua, Chen Lan. One kind of preparation may the biodegradation organization project use the blood vessel inner layer support material the method. Publication number: CN101554489.
[5] Fan Daidi, Zhu Chenhui, Ma Xiaoxuan, Mi Yu, Luo Yane, Ma Pei, Xi Junfeng, Zhu Xiaoli, Li Wanhua, Liang Lihua, Chen Lan. One kind of preparation may the biodegradation organization project use the blood vessel intermediate level support material the method. Publication number: CN101554490 ;
[6] Fan Daidi, Zhu Chenhui, Ma Xiaoxuan, Mi Yu, Luo Yane, Ma Pei, Xi Junfeng, Zhu Xiaoli, Li Wanhua, Liang Lihua. One kind of preparation may the biodegradation organization project use the biological modelling artificial bone material the methodPublication number: CN101584884